This section covers the steps to run sample serial and parallel code in C, C++, Fortran, Python, and R using both interactive and batch job submission modes. Where relevant, separate steps for using Intel and GNU compilers are covered.

Please note that all code should be run only on the compute nodes either interactively or in batch mode. Please DO NOT run any code on the login nodes. Acceptable use of login nodes is as follows: installing code, file transfer, file editing, and job submission and monitoring.


If you want to get a copy of all the programs and scripts used in the examples shown in this document then you can clone the GitHub repository for the examples using the following command:

If you cloned the GitHub repository, you can switch to the documentation directory with the following command to find the scripts and sample programs referred to throughout the document:


Thedocumentation directory structure is shown below:


└── documentation

├── cuda_jobs

├── cudac

├── helloworldccuda.slurm


├── cudacpp

├── helloworldcppcuda.slurm


└── cudaf

├── hello_world.cuf

└── helloworldfcuda.slurm

├── GNUparallel

├── hello_world.c

├── helloworldcgnup.slurm

└── myout.txt

├── mpi_jobs

├── mpic

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldcmpi.slurm

├── mpicpp

├── hello_world.cpp

└── helloworldcppmpi.slurm

└── mpif

├── hello_world.f90

└── helloworldfmpi.slurm

├── multiExes

├── mpi_multiexes

├── bye_world.c

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldcmpim.slurm

└── serial

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldcm.slurm

├── openmp_jobs

├── openmpc

├── GNU

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldcopenmp.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldcopenmpi.slurm

├── openmpcpp

├── GNU

├── hello_world.cpp

└── helloworldopenmpcpp.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.cpp

└── helloworldopenmpcppi.slurm

└── openmpf

├── GNU

├── hello_world.f90

└── helloworldfopenmp.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.f90

└── helloworldfopenmpi.slurm

├── serial_jobs

├── serialc

├── GNU

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldc.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.c

└── helloworldci.slurm

├── serialcpp

├── GNU

├── hello_world.cpp

└── helloworldcpp.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.cpp

└── helloworldcppi.slurm

├── serialf

├── GNU

├── hello_world.f90

└── helloworldf.slurm

└── Intel

├── hello_world.f90

└── helloworldfi.slurm

├── serialpy


└── helloworldpy.slurm

└── serialR

├── hello_world.r

└── helloworldr.slurm

When you switch to the subdirectories within the documentation folder, the Slurm job script files are available with the *.slurmextension. While the program files within the subdirectories have names beginning with hello_world.*, the corresponding files in the code listings shown in the rest of the document have names beginning with program_name.* .

If you do not want to clone the aforementioned GitHub repository, you should be able to copy the code shown in the listings into the respective files (for example: program_name.c) according to the instructions given.


A sample C program is shown in Listing 1. All this code does is print “Hello World!!” to standard output.

# include <stdio.h>

int main(){

printf("Hello World!!");

return 0;


Listing 1: Sample C program - (../documentation/serial_jobs/serialc/GNU/hello_world.c)

If you would like to compile the C example using the GNU C compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gcc -o helloCOuthello_world.c

If you would like to compile the C example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icc -o helloCOuthello_world.c

The executable helloCOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ./helloCOut

Hello World!!

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCOut corresponding to the serial program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 2. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldC

#SBATCH -o helloWorldC.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:02:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 2: Batch Job Script for C code (../documentation/serial_jobs/serialc/GN/helloworldc.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 2 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldc.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 2 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cathelloWorldC.txt

Hello World!!


A sample C++ program is shown in Listing 3. This program will print “Hello World” to standard output.

# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout<<"Hello World!!";

return 0;


Listing 3: Sample C++ program (../documentation/serial_jobs/serialcpp/GNU/hello_world.cpp)

If you would like to compile the C++ example using the GNU CPP compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ g++ -o helloCPPOut\hello_world.cpp

If you would like to compile the C++ example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icpc -o helloCPPiOut\hello_world.cpp

The executablehelloCPPOut or helloCPPiOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed directly on the terminal:

[username@login001]$srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ./helloCPPOut

Hello World!!

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter the exit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCPPOutcorresponding to the serial hello_world.cpp in batch mode is shown in Listing 4. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCPP

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCPP.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 4: Batch Job Script for C++ code (../documentation/serial_jobs/serialcpp/GNU/hello_world.cpp)

The job-script shown in Listing 4 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcpp.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 4 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCPP.txt

Hello World!!


A sample Fortran program is shown in Listing 5. This program will print “Hello World!!” to the standard output.

program hello

print *, 'Hello, World!!'

end program hello

Listing 5: Sample Fortran Program ( ../documentation/serial_jobs/serialf/GNU/hello_world.f90)

If you would like to compile the Fortran example using the GNU Fortran compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gfortran -o helloF90Out \hello_world.f90

If you would like to compile the Fortran example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ ifort -o helloF90iOut\Hello_world.f90.f90

The executableshelloF90Outor helloF90iOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ./helloF90Out

Hello World!!

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedexefilenamecorresponding to the serial program_name.f90 in batch mode is shown in Listing 6. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldF90

#SBATCH -o helloWorldF90.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 6: Batch Job Script for Fortran code (../ documentation/serial_jobs/serialf/GNU/helloworldf.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 6 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldf.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 6 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldF90.txt

Hello World!!


A sample Python program is shown in Listing 7. This program will also print “Hello World!!” to standard output.

print('Hello World!!')

Listing 7: Sample Python program (../documentation/serial_jobs/serialpy/

The Python programcan be run either in batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the code in Interactive-Mode: The program can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ python3

Hello World!!

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the code in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the serial in batch mode is shown in Listing 8. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldpy

#SBATCH -o helloWorldpy.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 8: Batch Job Script for Python code ( ../documentation/serial_jobs/serialpy/

The job-script shown in Listing 8 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldpy.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 8 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldpy.txt

Hello World!!


A sample C + MPI program is shown in Listing 9. This program will print “Hello world from processor #, rank # out of # processors” to standard output. The “#” signs in the aforementioned quoted text will be replaced with the processor name, rank, and total number of MPI processes participating in the computation.

#include <mpi.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

// Initialize the MPI environment


// Get the number of processes

int world_size;

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

// Get the rank of the process

int world_rank;

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

// Get the name of the processor

char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

int name_len;

MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);

// Print off a hello world message

printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n",

processor_name, world_rank, world_size);

// Finalize the MPI environment.


return 0;}

Listing 9: Sample C+MPI code (../documentation/mpi_jobs/mpic/hello_world.c)

If you would like to compile the C + MPI example using the Intel OneAPI compiler and MVAPICH2 MPI library, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ ml mvapich2

[username@login001]$ mpicc -o helloCMPIOut\


The executablehelloCMPIOut can berun either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 12 -N 2 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ mpirun -np 12 ./helloCMPIOut

Hello world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 3 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 0 out of 12 processors

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter the exit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCMPIOutcorresponding to the serial program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 10. This script should be run from a login node.



#SBATCH -o helloCMPIOut.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:10:00


#SBATCH -n 12

mpirun -np 12 ./helloCMPIOut

Listing 10: Batch Job Script for C+MPI code (job_script5.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 10 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcmpi.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 10 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloCMPIOut.txt

Hello world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 3 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c001, rank 0 out of 12 processors


A sample C++ MPI program is shown in Listing 11. This program will print “Hello world from processor #, rank # out of # processors” to standard output. The “#” signs in the aforementioned quoted text will be replaced with the processor name, rank, and total number of MPI processes participating in the computation.

If you would like to compile the C++ example using the Intel OneAPI and MVAPICH2 MPI library, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ ml mvapich2

[username@login001]$ mpicxx -o helloCPPMPIOut\


The executablehelloCPPMPIOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

#include <mpi.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

// Initialize the MPI environment


// Get the number of processes

int world_size;

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

// Get the rank of the process

int world_rank;

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

// Get the name of the processor

char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

int name_len;

MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);

// Print off a hello world message

cout<<"Hello World from processor "<<processor_name<<", rank "<<world_rank<<"out of "<<world_size<<"processors\n";

// Finalize the MPI environment.


return 0;}

Listing 11: Sample MPI program with C++ (.. /documentation/mpi_jobs/mpicpp/hello_world.cpp)

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 12 -N 2 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ mpirun -np 12 ./helloCPPMPIOut

Hello World from processor c001, rank 0out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 1out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 2out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 5out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 3out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 4out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 6out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank Hello World from processor c002, rank 8out of 12processors

7out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 11out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 10out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 9out of 12processors

Note: It is common to see the output printed in a non-deterministic manner - in the example above the process rank 7 and rank 8 overlap each other in the writing step.

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCPPMPIOutcorresponding to the serial program_name.cpp in batch mode is shown in Listing 12. This script should be run from a login node.



#SBATCH -o helloWorldCPPMPI.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 12

mpirun -np 12 ./helloCPPMPIOut

Listing 12: Batch Job Script for MPI with C++ code (../documentation/mpi_jobs/mpicpp/helloworldcppmpi.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 12 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcppmpi.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 12 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat program_name.txt

Hello World from processor c001, rank 0out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 1out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 2out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 5out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 3out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c001, rank 4out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 6out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 7out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 8out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 11out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 10out of 12processors

Hello World from processor c002, rank 9out of 12processors

Note: It is common to see the output printed in a non-deterministic manner - in the example above the process rank 7 and rank 8 overlap each other in the writing step.


A sample Fortran+MPI program is shown in Listing 13. This program will print “Hello world” to the output file as many times as there are MPI processes.

program hello

include 'mpif.h'

call MPI_INIT (ierr)

print *, "Hello world"

call MPI_FINALIZE (ierr)

end program hello

Listing 13: Sample Fortran+MPI code (../documentation/mpi_jobs/mpif/hello_world.f90)

If you would like to compile the Fortran example using the Intel OneAPI and MVAPICH2 MPI library, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ ml mvapich2

[username@login001]$ mpiifort -o helloF90MPIOut \


The executable helloF90MPIOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 12 -N 2 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ mpirun -np 12 ./ helloF90MPIOut

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexitcommand as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloF90MPIOut corresponding to the serial program_name.f90 in batch mode is shown in Listing 14. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldF90MPI

#SBATCH -o helloWorldF90MPI.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 12

mpirun -np 12 ./helloF90MPIOut

Listing 14: Batch Job Script for Fortran+ MPI (../documentation/mpi_jobs/mpif/helloworldfmpi.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 14 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldfmpi.slurm.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 14 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldF90MPI.txt

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world

Hello world


A sample C+OpenMP program is shown in Listing 15. All this code does is printHello World... from thread =# where # is the thread number to standard output.

#include <omp.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

// Beginning of parallel region

#pragma omp parallel


printf("Hello World... from thread = %d\n",



// Ending of parallel region

return 0;}

Listing 15: Sample C+OpenMP program (../documentation/openmp_jobs/openmpc/GNU/hello_world.c)

If you would like to compile the C example using the GNU C compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gcc -fopenmp -o helloCOpenMPOut\hello_world.c

If you would like to compile the C example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icc -qopenmp -o helloCOpenMPiOut\ hello_world.c

Note: Some compiler options are the same for both Intel and GNU (e.g. "-o"), while others are different (e.g. "-qopenmp" vs "-fopenmp")

The executablehelloCOpenMPOutor helloCOpenMPiOut can be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 4 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

[username@c001]$ ./helloCOpenMPOut

Hello World... from thread = 2

Hello World... from thread = 0

Hello World... from thread = 1

Hello World... from thread = 3

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCOpenMPOutcorresponding to the parallel program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 16. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCOpenMP

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCOpenMP.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 4



Listing 16: Batch Job Script for C+OpenMP (../documentation/openmp_jobs/openmpc/GNU/helloworldcopenmp.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 16 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcopenmp.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 16 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCOpenMP.txt

Hello World... from thread = 2

Hello World... from thread = 0

Hello World... from thread = 1

Hello World... from thread = 3


A sample C++ program with OpenMP is shown in Listing 17. All this code does is print “Hello World... from thread =” # where # is the thread number to standard output.

#include <omp.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

// Beginning of parallel region

#pragma omp parallel


cout<<"Hello World... from thread ="<< omp_get_thread_num();


// Ending of parallel region

return 0;}

Listing 17: Sample OpenMP program in C++ (../documentation/openmp_jobs/openmpcpp/GNU/hello_world.cpp)

If you would like to compile the C++ example using the GNU CPP compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ g++ -fopenmp -o helloOpenMPCPPOut\


If you would like to compile the C++ example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icpc -qopenmp -o helloOpenMPCPPiOut\


Note: Some compiler options are the same for both Intel and GNU (e.g. "-o"), while others are different (e.g. "-qopenmp" vs "-fopenmp")

The executablehelloOpenMPCPPOutand helloOpenMPCPPiOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 4 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

[username@c001]$ ./helloOpenMPCPPiOut

Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =103


If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloOpenMPCPPiOutcorresponding to the parallel program_name.cpp in batch mode is shown in Listing 18. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloOpenMPCPPOut

#SBATCH -o helloOpenMPCPPOut.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 4



Listing 18: Batch Job Script for OpenMP in C++ (job_script9.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 18 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldopenmpcpp.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 18 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloOpenMPCPPOut.txt

Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =Hello World... from thread =103



A sample Fortran program is shown in Listing 19. All this code does is print to standard output “Hello from process: #”, where # represents different thread numbers.

PROGRAM Parallel_Hello_World



print *,"Hello from process: ", OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()



Listing 19: Sample Fortran+OpenMP program (../ documentation/openmp_jobs/openmpf/GNU/hello_world.f90)

If you would like to compile the Fortran example using the GNU Fortran compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gfortran -fopenmp -o helloF90OpenMPOut hellow_world.f90

If you would like to compile the Fortran example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ ifort -qopenmp -o helloF90OpenMPiOut \hello_world.f90

The executablehelloF90OpenMPiOut can be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 4 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

[username@c001]$ ./helloF90OpenMPiOut

Hello from process: 2

Hello from process: 0

Hello from process: 1

Hello from process: 3

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloF90OpenMPOutcorresponding to the parallel program_name.f90 in batch mode is shown in Listing 20. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloworldfopenmp

#SBATCH -o helloworldfopenmp.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 4



Listing 20: Batch Job Script for Fortran+OpenMP(../ documentation/openmp_jobs/openmpf/GNU/helloworldfopenmp.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 20 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldfopenmp.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 20 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloworldfopenmp.txt

Hello from process: 2

Hello from process: 0

Hello from process: 1

Hello from process: 3


A sample C program is shown in Listing 21. All this code does is printdevice count = #” to standard output, where # is replaced by the actual number of GPUs on the node.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <cuda.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

int main(){

int count, err;


printf("device count = %d\n", count);

if(err = cudaSetDevice(count-1)){

printf("cudaSetDevice error, %d\n", err);


return 0;


Listing 21: Sample C+Cuda program (../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudac/

If you would like to compile the C example using the Nvidia CUDA compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml cuda/toolkit/11.3

[username@login001]$ nvcc -o helloCcudaOut\

The executablehelloCcudaOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a GPU node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a GPU node using the following set of commands:

Single GPU

[username@login001]$ srun -p gpu1v100 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@gpu001]$ ./helloCcudaOut

device count = 1

Multiple GPU

[username@login001]$ srun -p gpu2v100 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@gpu001]$ ./helloCcudaOut

device count = 2

If you are currently on a GPU node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter the exit command as follows:

[username@gpu001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: Sample Slurm batch job-scripts to run the executable namedhelloCcudaOutcorresponding to the C+CUDA in batch mode are shown in Listing 22 (single GPU) and Listing 23 (multiple GPU). These scripts should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCcuda

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCcuda.txt

#SBATCH -p gpu1v100

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 22: Batch Job Script for C+CUDA (../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudac/helloworldccuda.slurm)


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCcuda

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCcuda.txt

#SBATCH -p gpu2v100

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:v100:0


Listing 23: Batch Job Script for C+CUDA - This file is not included in the documentation download. Copy the contents of this example script to a file called helloWorldCcuda2.slurm in your directory.

The job-script shown in Listing 22 and 23 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloWorldCcuda.slurm

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloWorldCcuda2.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 22 and 23 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCcuda.txt

Single GPU

device count = 1

Multiple GPU

device count = 2


A sample C++ program is shown in Listing 24. All this code does is printdevice count = #” to standard output, where # is replaced by the actual number of GPUs on the node.

#include <iostream>

#include <cuda.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int count, err;


cout<<"device count = "<<count<<"\n";

if(err = cudaSetDevice(count-1)){

cout<<"cudaSetDevice error, "<<err<<"\n";


return 0;


Listing 24: Sample CUDA program in C++(../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudacpp/

If you would like to compile the C++ example using the Nvidia CUDA compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml cuda/toolkit/11.3

[username@login001]$ nvcc -o helloCPPcudaOut\

The executablehelloCPPcudaOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a GPU node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a GPU node using the set of commands below.

Single GPU

[username@login001]$ srun -p gpu1v100 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@gpu001]$ ./helloCPPcudaOut

device count = 1

Multiple GPU

[username@login001]$ srun -p gpu2v100 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@gpu001]$ ./helloCPPcudaOut

device count = 2

If you are currently on a GPU node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@gpu001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: Sample Slurm batch job-scripts to run the executable named helloCPPcudaOutcorresponding to the CPP+CUDA in batch mode are shown in Listing 25 (single GPU) and Listing 26 (multiple GPU). These scripts should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCPPcuda

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCPPcuda.txt

#SBATCH -p gpu1v100

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 25: Batch Job Script for CUDA in C++ (../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudacpp/helloworldcppcuda.slurm)


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCPPcuda

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCPPcuda.txt

#SBATCH -p gpu2v100

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:v100:0


Listing 26: Batch Job Script for CUDA in C++ - This file is not included in the documentation download. Copy the contents of this example script to a file called helloworldcppcuda2.slurm in your directory.

The job-script shown in Listing 25 and 26 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloWorldCPPcuda.slurm

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloWorldCPPcuda2.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 25 and 26 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCPPcuda.txt

Single GPU

device count = 1

Multiple GPU

device count = 2


A sample Fortran code is shown in Listing 27. All this code does is check whether the data transfer is successful or not between Host CPU and device GPU.

program cpydata

use cudafor

implicit none

integer, parameter :: n = 256

real :: a(n), b(n)

real, device::a_d(n), b_d(n)

a = 1.0

a_d = a

b_d = a_d

b = b_d

if (all(a==b)) then

write(,) 'Test Passed'


write(,) 'Test Failed'

end if

end program cpydata

Listing 27: Sample Fortran+CUDA code (../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudaf/hello_world.cuf)

For compiling the Fortran example using the CUDA Fortran compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml cuda/toolkit/11.3

[username@login001]$ ml cuda/sdk/nvhpc/21.5

[username@login001]$ nvfortran -o helloWorldFcuda\


The executable helloWorldFcudacan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a GPU node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a GPU node using the following set of commands :

[username@login001]$ srun -p gpu1v100 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@gpu001]$ ./helloWorldFcuda

Test Passed

If you are currently on the GPU node, switch back to login node before running the job-script in batch mode using the following command:

[username@gpu001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable named helloWorldFcudacorresponding to the Fortran+CUDAprogram_name.cuf in batch mode is shown in Listing 28. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldFcuda

#SBATCH -o helloWorldFcuda.txt

#SBATCH -p gpu1v100

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1


Listing 28: Batch Job Script for fortran+cuda (../documentation/cuda_jobs/cudaf/helloworldfcuda.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 28 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldfcuda.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 28 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloworldfcuda.txt

Test Passed


A sample R script is shown below and all this code does is print “Hello World!!” to standard output.

print("Hello World!!")

Add execute permissions on the R script file as follows:

[username@login001]$ chmod +x hello_world.r

The R programcan be run either in batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the script in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@c001]$ ml R/3.6.1

[username@c001]$ Rscripthello_world.r

"Hello World!!"

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the script in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the serial program_name.r in batch mode is shown in Listing 29. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J program_name

#SBATCH -o program_name.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 1

ml gnu8/8.3.0

ml R/3.6.1


Listing 29: Batch Job Script for R code (job_script16.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 29 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldr.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 29 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat program_name.txt

"Hello World!!"


a. Bundling Multiple Executables of Serial Programs in One Job-Script: Let us assume that there are two program files named as program_name1.* and program_name2.* (e.g., program_name1.c and program_name2.cpp), two executable files named as exefilename1 and exefilename2 corresponding to the aforementioned to program files, and Slurm batch job as job_script*.slurm (e.g., job_script1.slurm and job_script2.slurm) throughout this section.

A sample C code is shown in Listing 30. All this code does is printHello World!!: #!” to standard output where # is replaced by the iteration number, and the iteration number depends upon the argument passed to the executable at run-time.

# include <stdio.h>

# include<stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int n = atoi( argv[1]);

for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){

printf("Hello World!!: %d \n",i);


return 0;


Listing 30: Sample C program (../documentation/multiExes/serial/hello_world.c)

If you would like to compile the C example using the GNU C compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gcc -o helloCOuthello_world.c

If you would like to compile the C example using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icc -o helloCOutihello_world.c

The executableshelloCOutandhelloCOutibe run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 5 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ./helloCOut1& ./helloCOut2& \./helloCOut3& ./helloCOut4& ./helloCOut5

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 5

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedhelloCOut corresponding to the serial program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 32. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCm

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCm.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH -n 5






Listing 32: Batch Job Script for C codes (../documentation/multiExes/serial/helloworldcm.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 32 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcm.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 32 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCm.txt

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 5

b. Bundling Multiple Executables of Parallel Programs in One Job-Script: A sample C code is shown in Listing 33. This code prints “Hello world from processor #, rank # out of # processors” , where # varies depending upon the number of MPI processes engaged in running the executable.

#include <mpi.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

// Initialize the MPI environment


// Get the number of processes

int world_size;

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

// Get the rank of the process

int world_rank;

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

// Get the name of the processor

char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

int name_len;

MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);

// Print off a hello world message

printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n",

processor_name, world_rank, world_size);

// Finalize the MPI environment.


return 0;


Listing 33: Sample C+MPI code (../documentation/multiExes/mpi_multiexes/hello_world.c)

Another sample C code is shown in Listing 34. This code prints “Bye world from processor #, rank # out of # processors” , where # varies depending upon the number of MPI processes engaged in running the executable.

#include <mpi.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

// Initialize the MPI environment


// Get the number of processes

int world_size;

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

// Get the rank of the process

int world_rank;

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);

// Get the name of the processor

char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

int name_len;

MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);

// Print off a hello world message

printf("Bye world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n",

processor_name, world_rank, world_size);

// Finalize the MPI environment.


return 0;


Listing 34: Sample “Bye World” C+MPI code(../documentation/multiExes/mpi_multiexes/bye_world.c)

For compiling the C examples shown in Listings 33 and 34 using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ mpicc -o helloCMPIOut\hello_world.c

[username@login001]$ mpicc -o byeCMPIOut\bye_world.c

The executableshelloCMPIOutandbyeCMPIOutcan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executables in Interactive-Mode: The executables can be run simultaneously in the same interactive session using the set of commands below and the output will be displayed on the terminal.

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 24 -N 2 -t 00:05:00 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ mpirun -np 12 ./helloCMPIOut& \mpirun -np 12 ./byeCMPIOut

Hello world from processor c002, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 3 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 0 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 0 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 3 out of 12 processors

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executables in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executables named helloCMPIOutandbyeCMPIOutcorresponding to the parallel program_name1.c and program_name2.c shown in Listings 33 and 34 respectively in batch mode is shown in Listing 35. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCMPIm

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCMPIm.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:10:00


#SBATCH -n 24

mpirun -np 12 ./helloCMPIOut&

mpirun -np 12 ./byeCMPIOut

Listing 35: Batch Job Script for C+MPI codes (../ documentation/multiExes/mpi_multiexes/helloworldcmpim.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 35 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcmpim.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 35 can be checked by opening the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCMPIm.txt

Hello world from processor c002, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 7 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 3 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 4 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 11 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 0 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 5 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 8 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 2 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 1 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 10 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 6 out of 12 processors

Hello world from processor c002, rank 9 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 0 out of 12 processors

Bye world from processor c002, rank 3 out of 12 processors


GNU Parallel is a tool that is used for running parameter-sweep applications. It helps in running multiple copies of an executable simultaneously with different parameters read from an input file and as a part of the same Slurm job. GNU Parallel is installed on Arc and can be used after loading theparallel/20210722module. For detailed information on this tool, please refer to the GNU Parallel documentation page.

The general syntax of the command for using the GNU Parallel tool is as follows:

parallel --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

In the command above, the option “--joblog” helps in creating a log file that can be used to resume the execution of the job in case it is interrupted. For resuming a job after interruption, the “--resume-failed” option should be used along with the previously saved log file as shown in the following command:

parallel --resume-failed --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

A sample C code that will serve as our parameter-sweep application is shown in Listing 36. This code prints “Hello World!!: #” multiple times to the standard output such that # is replaced by the iteration number, and the total number of iterations is determined by the argument passed at run-time.

# include <stdio.h>

# include<stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int n = atoi( argv[1]);

for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){

printf("Hello World!!: %d \n",i);


return 0;


Listing 36: Sample C code (../documentation/GNUparallel/hello_world.c)

If you would like to compile the example in listing 36 using the GNU C compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gcc/11.2.0

[username@login001]$ gcc -o helloCOuthello_world.c

If you would like to compile the example in listing 36 using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icc -o helloCOuti\-std=c99 hello_world.c

The contents of the sample input file to provide arguments to the executable in the Slurm batch job script is shown in Listing 37.

[username@login001]$ cat myout.txt






Listing 37: Text file containing arguments for the executables

The executablehelloCOutandhelloCOutican be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --cpus-per-task=1 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ml gcc/11.2.0

[username@c001]$ ml parallel/20210622

[username@c001]$ parallel --joblog logfilename.txt \ ./helloCOut{1} :::: myout.txt

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 5

If you would like to put the output in separate files for each instance, use the following Parallel option:

[username@c001]$ parallel --results outdir ./helloCOut{1} :::: myout.txt

The output files can be found in outdir/1/ directory:

[username@c001]$ cd outdir/1

[username@c001]$ ls

1 2 3 4 5 seq stderr stdout

[username@c001]$ cd 2

[username@c001]$ ls

seq stderr stdout

[username@c001]$ cat stdout

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Logs from the parallel command above can be checked by opening the log file as follows:

[username@c001]$ cat logfilename.txt


1:1626380539.453 0.00301800./exefilename 1

2:1626380539.457 0.00903600./exefilename 2

3:1626380539.462 0.00905400./exefilename 3

4:1626380539.466 0.00807200./exefilename 4

5:1626380539.471 0.00609000./exefilename 5

6:1626380539.475 0.0060000./exefilename ''

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedexefilenamecorresponding to the serial program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 38. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J helloWorldCgnup

#SBATCH -o helloWorldCgnup.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

#SBATCH -n 1

ml parallel/20210622

parallel --joblog logfilename.txt ./helloCOut{1} :::: myout.txt

Listing 38: Batch Job Script for C code (../documentation/GNUparallel/helloworldcgnup.slurm)

The parallelcommand shown in Listing 38 will run thehelloCOutwith different parameters read from an input file named asmyfile.txt. This command will also create a log file named logfilename.txtthat can be used to resume the execution in case it is interrupted. This program will print “Hello World!!: #”, where # varies depending upon input from theparamfile.txt.

The job-script shown in Listing 38 can be submitted as follows :

[username@login001]$ sbatchhelloworldcgnup.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 38 can be checked by displaying the contents of the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat helloWorldCgnup.txt

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 1

Hello World!!: 2

Hello World!!: 3

Hello World!!: 4

Hello World!!: 5

Logs from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 38 can be checked by displaying the contents of the log file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat logfilename.txt

Seq Host Starttime JobRuntime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command

1 :1626294133.948 0.00301800./exefilename 1

2 :1626294133.952 0.00903600./exefilename 2

3 :1626294133.957 0.00705400./exefilename 3

4 :1626294133.960 0.00707200./exefilename 4

5 :1626294133.964 0.00709000./exefilename 5

6 :1626294133.968 0.0060000./exefilename ''


A sample C code that will serve as another example of parameter-sweep application is shown in Listing 39. This code prints “The prime factors of # are:*” multiple times to the standard output such that # is replaced by the input numbers, and * is replaced by the prime factors of that number.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)


int n,i;


printf(" The prime factors of %d are:", n);

while (n%2 == 0)


n = n/2;


for(i = 3; i <= (int)sqrt(n); i = i+2)


while (n%i == 0)


printf("%d ", i);

n = n/i;



if (n > 2)

printf ("%d", n);


return 0;


Listing 39: Sample C code (program_name.c)

Note that this program is not provided in the documentation download. Copy the contents of the program to a file in your directory.

If you would like to compile the example in listing 39 using the GNU C compiler, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml gnu8/8.3.0

[username@login001]$ gcc -o exefilenameprogram_name.c -lm

Note: The math library must be linked in when building the executable. The math library is named, and the -l command option assumes a lib prefix and .a or .so suffix.

If you would like to compile the example in listing 39 using the Intel OneAPI, you can run the following commands:

[username@login001]$ ml intel/oneapi/2021.2.0

[username@login001]$ icc -o exefilenameprogram_name.c

The contents of the sample input file to provide arguments to the executable in the Slurm batch job script is shown in Listing 40. This file is not included in the documentation download. Copy the contents of this file to a file in your directory using the name paramfile.txt.

[username@login001]$ cat paramfile.txt



























































































Listing 40 : Text file containing arguments for the executables

The executableexefilenamecan be run either in a batch mode using a Slurm batch job-script or interactively on a compute node.

Running the Executable in Interactive-Mode: The executable can be run interactively on a compute node using the following set of commands and the output will be displayed on the terminal:

[username@login001]$ srun -p compute1 -n 1 -t 00:05:00 --cpus-per-task=1 --pty bash

[username@c001]$ ml gcc/11.2.0

[username@c001]$ ml parallel/20210622

[username@c001]$ parallel --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

The prime factors of 1234567896 are:3 83 619763

The prime factors of 1234567891 are:1234567891

The prime factors of 1234567899 are:3 3 3 3 109 139831

The prime factors of 1234567895 are:5 11 23 975943

The prime factors of 1234567847 are:47 251 104651

The prime factors of 1234567941 are:3 23 47 199 1913

The prime factors of 1234568927 are:491 1123 2239

The prime factors of 1234578957 are:3 139 2960621

The prime factors of 1234689630 are:3 5 37 1112333

The prime factors of 1234578960 are:3 3 5 19 90247

The prime factors of 1234678975 are:5 5 17 409 7103

The prime factors of 1235678933 are:23 23 2335877

The prime factors of 1245678998 are:622839499

If the above execution is interrupted due to any failures or the user exits or interrupts the execution, the option “--joblog” helps in creating a log file that can be used to resume the execution of the job.

Logs from the parallel command can be checked by opening the log file as follows:

[username@c001]$ cat logfilename.txt

Seq Host Starttime JobRuntime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command

1 : 1626460968.422 0.000 0 49 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567896

2 : 1626460968.426 0.003 0 48 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567891

3 : 1626460968.430 0.003 0 56 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567899

4 : 1626460968.433 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567895

5 : 1626460968.437 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567847

6 : 1626460968.439 0.009 0 54 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567941

7 : 1626460968.443 0.008 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234568927

8 : 1626460968.448 0.003 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234578957

9 : 1626460968.451 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234689630

10 : 1626460968.455 0.009 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234578960

11 : 1626460968.458 0.006 0 53 0 0 ./exefilename 1234678975

12 : 1626460968.461 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1235678933

13 : 1626460968.464 0.006 0 47 0 0 ./exefilename 1245678998

For resuming a job after interruption, the “--resume-failed” option should be used along with the previously saved log file as shown in the following command:

[username@c001]$ parallel --resume-failed --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

A snippet from the output on the command prompt is shown here:

The prime factors of 1345678920 are:3 3 3 3 5 67 6199

The prime factors of 1234567892 are:41 7527853

The prime factors of 1235678913 are:3 3 7 7 1009 2777

The prime factors of 1456789841 are:13 907 123551

The prime factors of 1245678924 are:3 7 181 81931

Logs from the parallel --resume-failed command can be checked by opening the log file as follows:

[username@c001]$ cat logfilename.txt

A snippet from the log file on the command prompt is shown here:

Seq Host StarttimeJobRuntime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command

1 : 1626460968.422 0.000 0 49 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567896

2 : 1626460968.426 0.003 0 48 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567891

3 : 1626460968.430 0.003 0 56 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567899

4 : 1626460968.433 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567895

5 : 1626460968.437 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567847

If you are currently on a compute node and would like to switch back to the login node then please enter theexit command as follows:

[username@c001]$ exit

Running the Executable in Batch-Mode: A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedexefilenamecorresponding to the serial program_name.c in batch mode is shown in Listing 41. This script should be run from a login node. This file is not included in the documentation download. Copy the contents of the batch script below to a file in your directory.


#SBATCH -J program_name

#SBATCH -o program_name.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

#SBATCH -n 1

ml gcc/11.2.0

ml parallel/20210722

parallel --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

Listing 41: Batch Job Script for C code (job_script20.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 41 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatch job_script20.slurm

Assuming that the job-id corresponding to the submission of the job-script shown in Listing 41 is8088547, and this job is to be interrupted usingscancel, then the following command can be used:

[username@login001]$ scancel 8088547

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 41 can be checked by displaying the contents of the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat program_name.txt

The prime factors of 1234567896 are:3 83 619763

The prime factors of 1234567891 are:1234567891

The prime factors of 1234567899 are:3 3 3 3 109 139831

The prime factors of 1234567895 are:5 11 23 975943

The prime factors of 1234567847 are:47 251 104651

The prime factors of 1234567941 are:3 23 47 199 1913

The prime factors of 1234568927 are:491 1123 2239

The prime factors of 1234578957 are:3 139 2960621

The prime factors of 1234689630 are:3 5 37 1112333

The prime factors of 1234578960 are:3 3 5 19 90247

The prime factors of 1234678975 are:5 5 17 409 7103

The prime factors of 1235678933 are:23 23 2335877

The prime factors of 1245678998 are:622839499

slurmstepd: error: * JOB $SLURM_JOBID ON c001 CANCELLED AT 2021-07-16T13:10:17 ***

If the above execution is interrupted due to any failure or the user exits or interrupts the execution, the option “--joblog” helps in creating a log file that can be used to resume the execution of the job.

Logs from the parallel command can be checked by opening the log file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat logfilename.txt

Seq Host Starttime JobRuntime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command

1 : 1626460968.422 0.000 0 49 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567896

2 : 1626460968.426 0.003 0 48 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567891

3 : 1626460968.430 0.003 0 56 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567899

4 : 1626460968.433 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567895

5 : 1626460968.437 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567847

6 : 1626460968.439 0.009 0 54 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567941

7 : 1626460968.443 0.008 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234568927

8 : 1626460968.448 0.003 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234578957

9 : 1626460968.451 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234689630

10 : 1626460968.455 0.009 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234578960

11 : 1626460968.458 0.006 0 53 0 0 ./exefilename 1234678975

12 : 1626460968.461 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1235678933

13 : 1626460968.464 0.006 0 47 0 0 ./exefilename 1245678998

For resuming a job after interruption, the “--resume-failed” option should be used along with the previously saved log file.

A sample Slurm batch job-script to run the executable namedexefilenamecorresponding to the serialprogram_name.cin batch mode after restarting from interruption is shown in Listing 42. This script should be run from a login node.


#SBATCH -J program_name

#SBATCH -o program_name.txt

#SBATCH -p compute1

#SBATCH -t 00:05:00


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

#SBATCH -n 1

ml gnu8/8.3.0

ml parallel/20210622

parallel --resume-failed --joblog logfilename.txt ./exefilename {1} :::: paramfile.txt

Listing 42: Batch Job Script for C code (job_script21.slurm)

The job-script shown in Listing 42 can be submitted as follows:

[username@login001]$ sbatch job_script21.slurm

The output from the Slurm batch-job shown in Listing 42 can be checked by displaying the contents of the output file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat program_name.txt

A snippet from the output file is shown here:

The prime factors of 1345678920 are:3 3 3 3 5 67 6199

The prime factors of 1234567892 are:41 7527853

The prime factors of 1234567844 are:101 1277 2393

The prime factors of 1234567970 are:5 73 1691189

The prime factors of 1234568951 are:7 11 17 943139

Logs from the parallel --resume-failed command can be checked by opening the log file as follows:

[username@login001]$ cat logfilename.txt

A snippet from the log file on the command prompt is shown here:

Seq Host StarttimeJobRuntime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command

1 : 1626460968.422 0.000 0 49 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567896

2 : 1626460968.426 0.003 0 48 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567891

3 : 1626460968.430 0.003 0 56 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567899

4 : 1626460968.433 0.006 0 52 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567895

5 : 1626460968.437 0.006 0 51 0 0 ./exefilename 1234567847

-- AdminUser - 17 Aug 2021

This topic: Sandbox > WebHome > CC++FORTRANTesting
Topic revision: 25 Jul 2022, AdminUser
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