Arc is UTSA's primary high-performance computing (HPC) resource; heavily utilized by researchers, students, faculty and staff from a broad range of disciplines.

Arc is comprised of 156 compute and GPU nodes and has achieved a performance rate of 387 Flop/s. Arc has the following hardware features:

Arc includes the following hardware components:
  • 156 total compute and GPU nodes and 2 login nodes, the majority of these nodes are Intel Cascade Lake CPUs
  • 30 GPU nodes - each containing two CPUs with 20 cores each for a total of 40 cores, 384GB RAM, and each including one V100 Nvidia GPU accelerator
  • 5 GPU nodes - each containing two CPUs with 20 cores each for a total of 40 cores, 384GB RAM, and each including two V100 Nvidia GPU accelerators
  • 2 GPU nodes – each containing 4 V100 GPUs and two CPUs that are Intel Xeon Gold 6248, 20C each (coming soon)
  • Two large-memory nodes, each containing four CPUs with 20 cores each for a total of 80 cores, and each including 1.5TB of RAM
  • Total TFlops across CPUs and GPUs: 387
  • 6032 total CPU cores on compute and GPU nodes
  • 100Gb/s Infiniband storage network connectivity
  • DDN fault-tolerant storage array with 1PB of shared storage utilizing the Lustre file system
  • A cumulative total of 250TB of local scratch space spread evenly across all nodes

-- AdminUser - 14 Aug 2021

This topic: WebDocumentation > WebHome > WhatIsArc
Topic revision: 28 Oct 2024, AdminUser
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