Shamu OnDemand Portal

We recently introduced the OnDemand Portal which allows you as a user to connect to Shamu via a web browser instead of an SSH client. The OnDemand portal also includes a File Explorer, an SSH client and a virtual Desktop environment.

How to connect

Open any web browser and navigate to You will be prompted to enter your Shamu authentication. After a successful login you will see the main page:


Interactive Apps

To start a Virtual Desktop, click on Interactive Apps then Shamu Virtual Desktop:


Now you should see this screen:

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 5.03.43 PM.png

For 'Account Name' enter in your abc123 for defq. If you're using one of the other queues like bigmem, or gpu, you may need to enter in the name of the queue ('bigmem' or 'gpu' respectively).

Number of hours can be any value but the maximum allowed is 72 hours. Queue will be the queue (slurm partition) you want to access, the default is defq. If you have access to other partitions you'd enter them there.

Once you are finished, click on Launch and you will be presented with this screen:


Your job is currently spooling up and when it is completed, you will see this screen. To start your Virtual Desktop click on Launch noVNC in New Tab:


A new tab will open in your browser with your Virtual Desktop:


This Virtual Desktop is contained within a compute node on Shamu. You are free to open the Terminal, start loading modules and/or running your program.

-- AdminUser - 22 Jul 2020
Topic revision: r3 - 29 Oct 2020, AdminUser
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