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Getting Help

Shamu Office Hours

Shamu Office hours are held in the Tech Cafe Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. No appointment necessary, just drop by.

Email UTS Tech Cafe

Email and include the word "Shamu" in the subject line. This will insert your request into the ticket system and Shamu staff will automatically receive your message. Please provide us with as much information as possible, including:
  1. The exact commands that you run immediately after logging in, which will reproduce the problem
  2. Your My UTSA ID
  3. The exact output from each command
  4. The locations of files/folders involved, especially your Slurm batch script
  5. Other details which may be relevant (OS, SSH client, etc..,)
  6. Slurm job id number

Research Support

The Research Computing Support Group, RCSG, offers various computing support services. Please visit our website to learn more -


The RCSG offers many workshops throughout the calendar year. See upcoming training sessions here - Spring 2020 Offerings

-- AdminUser - 27 Jun 2018
Topic revision: r6 - 24 Jun 2020, AdminUser
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