100 recent changes in Main Web retrieved at 12:29 (GMT)

Explore, register for, and review the trainings offered by the Research Computing group. NEC Code Vectorization and Vector Engine Training Recording Link Part 1...
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Header of User Homepages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top of ever...
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%IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then=' How to add the first administrator If you haven\'t previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: (Note:...
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The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered, per...
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The WikiGuest User A guest of this web, not unlike yourself. You can leave your trace behind you, just add your name in UserRegistration and create your own page....
Report for Bulk Register Registering MandoRodriguez * MandoRodriguez has been added to the password and user mapping managers * Writing topic Main.MandoRodri...
FirstName LastName Email WikiName Mando Rodriguez Armando.Rodriguez #64;utsa.edu MandoRodriguez Thomas Freeman Thomas.Freeman #64;utsa.edu ...
Explore, register for, and review the trainings offered by the Research Computing group. 1 Linux * Slides: Express Linux Tutorial * Video Recording...
To set up passwordless login you'll need to have set up an RSA key pair on your local machine for SSH. On linux and Mac OS. To generate an RSA keypair, just do t...
Monitoring your jobs Using the squeue Command Check the status of all jobs on Shamu using the squeue command (this is just an example compute names may be differ...
Use Lumerical You can skip steps 1 10 on Shamu and ARC. You can skip steps 1 10 on Stampede2 if Lumerical executable path is provided. Please follow the instructi...
Software Installed on Shamu Below is the list of software that is currently installed on Shamu. If you need additional software, please email your request to rcsg...
R parallelization with mclapply mclapply is a parallelized version of lapply if provided mc.cores 1. For mc.cores == 1, it simply calls lapply​. By default, the m...
Intel oneAPI is an open, unified programming model built on standards to simplify the development and deployment of data centric workloads across CPUs, GPUs, FPGA...
Create local R library Repo As Python packages, we suggest that users maintain their R library repoes in the home directory. Install R libraries using 'install.p...
Create local R library Repo As Python packages, we suggest that users maintain an R library repo in the home directory. Install R libraries using 'install.packag...
MFiX is an open source multiphase flow solve. The detailed information can be found at https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/. The software is installed as a global shared Py...
Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is a highly configurable workload manager and job scheduler for an HPC cluster. It is an open source software...
If the user uses bioconductor for biology projects in R and their R library becomes corrupted you can do this command in the R prompt. BiocManager::valid() At t...
It's handy to make a package list from your conda virtual environment in case you install something that breaks it or you want to replicate the packages exactly o...
TensorFlow CPU Version First, grab a compute node with srun and start a Python Virtualenv environment: abc123@login 0 0 ~ $ srun n 80 N 1 time=48:00:00 pty b...
By using the checkpoint feature, model progress can be saved during training. The model can resume training where it left off and avoid starting from scratch if s...
If you get the error: C 14 standard requested but CXX14 is not defined You need to create some environment variables that R can use to compile the code. If it do...
OpenSees is a software framework for developing applications to simulate the performance of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes. We have ...
MPI Basics MPI is standardized and portable standard which defines the syntax and semantics of library routines for users writing portable parallel programs in C,...
Main.AdminUser 02 Nov 2020 ABAQUS at UTSA Introduction ABAQUS is a software suite from Dassault Systems. It can be used for finite element analysis and computer ...
Quick Start Guide The Research Computing Support Group at UTSA provides computing, storage and visualization resources to support research that has specialized or...
Shamu OnDemand Portal We recently introduced the OnDemand Portal which allows you as a user to connect to Shamu via a web browser instead of an SSH client. The On...
Jetstream is a level 1 service provider of XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment). It is a user friendly cloud computing environment for re...
Parallelize Deep Learning Models Across Multiple GPU Devices Deep Learning models written in Tensorflow can automatically take advantage of a GPU device on a comp...
Here is a Slurm job script for submit a job with checkpoint feature: #!/bin/bash# Put your SLURM options here#SBATCH partition=defq # change to proper par...
Singularity is available on Shamu for users to run container based applications. Users can access the software via the module system, as shown below: abc123@shamu...
If you need to install your own programs/modules in python you can do it via creating vms. Some programs may need specific versions of modules to work correctly a...
Single Node Parallelization A program in Python programming language can utilize the power of the multiple CPU/Core on a computer to significantly improve the per...
CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA for general purpose computing on GPU devices. CUDA application can dramatically sp...
If a conda environment reports errors like a "corrupted manifest" file or "package manifest can't be found" then you can perform this command to scrub all package...
Abaqus Abaqus is used for both the modeling and analysis of mechanical components and assemblies (pre processing) and visualizing the finite element analysis resu...
https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user guides To use TACC's Corral system you must request via TACC's User Portal for access: https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user gu...
GNU Parallel is a shell tool for executing many sequential tasks at the same time on one or more nodes. It is useful for running a large number of sequential task...
Module Environments Each modulefile contains the information needed to configure the shell for an application. Once the Modules package is initialized, the enviro...
Partition Definitions There are eight (8) Slurm partitions on Shamu that users are able to utilize. Below are their definitions. * defq This is the main queu...
The GPU resources on Shamu have been configured as a "consumable resource". This means you can request individual GPU cards, nodes, etc... We have two types of GP...
Main.AdminUser 01 Jul 2020 On July 13, 2020, the job scheduler Sun Grid Engine (SGE) on Shamu will be switched to Slurm, a new job scheduling system. Existing SGE...
The page has been moved to UseSlurmOnShamu
Checkpoint and Restart Checkpointing is the action of saving the state of a running process to a checkpoint image file. Restart is the actions to resume the check...
Here's a simple example of a checkpointing program being run with a slurm job script that will automatically generate a restart script for when you need to restar...
Frequently Asked Questions Who can use Shamu? The Shamu research cluster is available at no charge to all University of Texas at San Antonio students, faculty an...
To checkpoint and restart an interactive job, follow the steps below: log onto a compute node from the login node. srun pty bash Load the dmtcp module module...
Shamu Fair Use Policy Effective July 13, 2020 Active Jobs Compute nodes will no longer be shared among multiple users. Instead, when a user grabs a compute nod...
This is a simple example of a program that checkpoints using python and the pickle class. It will run for 15 minutes. The script checks for a file called "countin...
Checkpoint and restart with DMTCP can create large disk images, and the checkpoint details are controlled by the third party system. To avoid the problems, the pr...
In the previous examples, the checkpoint action is controlled by the coordinator, either by i number_of_second option or by manually type in 'c' in the coordinat...
Checkpoint and Restart Checkpointing is the action of saving the state of a running process to a checkpoint image file. Restart is the actions to resume the check...
Checkpointing is the action of saving the state of a running process to a checkpoint image file. Restart is the actions to resume the checkpointed application fro...
We have the GPU version of TensorFlow installed on the GPU nodes with the Python 3.6.1 module install (native Python 2.7 version is currently not working). This d...
Windows Subsystem for Linux After the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (FCU) released on October 17th 2017 Microsoft started to officially support on Windows OS th...
Cuda Cuda is a GPU programming language developed by NVIDIA. Currently Shamu contains two (4) very high end GPU nodes consisting of eight (8) Telsa K80 GPU comput...
Using Matlab Interactively (GUI mode) You can run Matlab with the srun command: abc123@login01 ~ $ srun pty bash abc123@compute003 ~ $ module load matlab...
Getting Started with Shamu Shamu is the Research Support Groups premier cluster consisting of many compute cores and GPU cores. Connecting from Windows environme...
About Shamu cluster Shamu is UTSA's primary high performance (HPC) resource; heavily utilized by researchers, students, faculty and staff from a broad range of di...
Getting Help Shamu Office Hours Shamu Office hours are held in the Tech Cafe Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. No appointment necessary, just drop by. Email UTS...
How to submit your batch job Using the Slurm sample script located here, you will be able to submit your job with this command but first you need to load the "slu...
How to run interactive jobs If you want to use a GUI or have a short program you want to test or debug, we suggest using the "srun" command. This will automatical...
Sample GPU submit script using the Caffe training network Using the Tesla K80 cards: #SBATCH partition="gpu" #SBATCH nodes=1 #SBATCH gres=gpu:k80:1 . /etc/prof...
How to connect to shamu with filezilla to transfer files. This was done with filezilla The quickconnect button When you open the program, there is a 'qu...
Gamess How to run Gamess on Shamu Run test job from the command line$ cd ~$ mkdir gamess $ mkdir /local/ insert your abc123 $ cp p /apps/gamess/tests/standard/ex...
Sample submit script for non gui mode. You can copy/paste this script below to your Shamu directory, call it math.qsub. Submit the job on Shamu with qsub math.qsu...
Cell Ranger Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that processes Chromium single cell 3’ RNA seq output to align reads, generate gene cell matrices and perfo...
HOOMD blue is a general purpose particle simulation toolkit. It performs hard particle Monte Carlo simulations of a variety of shape classes, and molecular dynami...
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